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"A Thousand Days of Change”- Mulaika’s maiden solo exhibition  

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The National Art Gallery Creative Space is currently hosting the works of Mulaika Nordin, the youngest artist in the history for its program for emerging until May 26, 2019. Mulaika’s, currently 15 years old, first solo exhibition is titled “A Thousand Days of Change” which showcases her best works since she burst into the art scene in early 2016 days after her grandfather passed away. 

With no prior training, some observers say it is a spiritual and artistic opening and inspiration that enabled Mulaika to suddenly able to paint her diverse body of work ranging from the mystical to whimsical.

Zain Azahari in his opening speech stated “Res ipsa loquitur” is a Latin phrase that means "the thing speaks for itself." Mulaika Nordin is the youngest artist in history to be supported by Balai Seni Negara under its Creative Space program which promotes emerging artists. To my mind, that statistic not only speaks for itself but also speaks volumes for the precocious talent which is on display in this 15 year old’s first solo show here at the home of Malaysian art.

“It is almost surreal to think that “A Thousand Days of Change” is a thematically profound exploration of relationships, travel, loss, identity and other key life experiences.  As someone at the other end of the age spectrum, it is a reflexive reaction for me to question whether it is plausible that someone so young is equipped to engage in a meaningful artistic and intellectual discourse on such weighty topics.  However, that is to forget that a lot of things can happen in the first fifteen years of a child’s life.  The remarkable thing here is not that Mulaika has experienced many “seismic” events at this young age, but rather that she is already blessed with an artistic voice, which though still undoubtedly raw, enables her to communicate her thoughts and emotions with such eloquence.”

“In recent years, much of my focus as a collector has been to recognise the work of younger artists and to support their progress.  To my mind, this approach is critical for the growth of art in our country and I am confident that Mulaika will be one of the shining lights in the future landscape of Malaysian art.  Balai Seni Negara must be commended for having the foresight to bring this body of works to the Malaysian public and I invite you all to embrace the repertoire of Mulaika Nordin as we bear witness to a defining moment in the journey of this fine young artist.”

Mulaika has created over 100 paintings to date and posses her own network of 20 collectors. This exhibition will feature around 40 of her best work in ‘a thousand days’ since her first painting (2016-2018).

“Although still young and new, Mulaika's works reflect her maturity in the use of material, mastery of techniques and narrative aspects of a personal expression,” stated En. Faizal Sidik the Curator at the Balai Seni Negara. 

“It has been interesting for me in the past three years, discovering more about myself through painting. I'm always thinking, contemplating and observing. It gets tiring but I feel the need to do so, I feel the need to create, “ commented Mulaika when speaking to the media at her recent launch 

“I had to make these works, I feel like I would explode if I didn't. Sometimes it takes months to finish a piece, others in three hours. The process is always changing with time. The only thing constant in my work is change.” 

“I've had amazing support from everyone around me and I'm really thankful for that. Without them, I think I still would be an artist, but never showing my works, ever. I thank God for everything.” 

The exhibition also features 8 short films written, directed and produced by the artist. The artist website is The exhibition “A Thousand Days of Change” will be take place on March 28 until May 26, 2019 at the National Art Gallery, Administrative Building Lobby. 

Click to download the press materials:

  1. Press Release ENG (Word)

  2. Hi-Res Images (Google Drive)